State Senator Julie Morrison has introduced a proposal that would give Illinois municipalities the ability to ban semi-automatic military style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. Currently, Illinois law prohibits municipalities from enacting assault weapon bans. The practice was legal until 2013. Senate Bill 2130 would restore the power back to local hands allowing Illinois municipalities to once again ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.
These weapons of war, designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently have no place in our neighborhoods. Municipalities should have the ability to protect their children, families and communities from gun violence.
Prior to legislation being heard in subcommittee, people can communicate their position on a piece of legislation to the Illinois General Assembly by filling out a witness slip. The gun lobby has been busy. Right now there are 2514 slips opposing this bill and only 23 slips supporting it. We have to do better than this.
Please get every member of your household to file a witness slip and share this email with all of your networks in Illinois. Witness slips can be filed until the Senate subcommittee hearing on Senate Bill 2130 on Tuesday, August 23.
Filing a witness slip is easy and just takes a minute or two. Follow these steps:
Click on this link to go directly to the page to file the witness slip for SB 2130.
1. Under Section I, fill in your identification information.
2. Under Section II, write “self.”
3. In Section III, select SB 2130 for the Subject Matter, and then choose “Proponent”
4. In Section IV, select “Record of Appearance Only.”
5. Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement.
6. Select the “Create Slip” button. You are done!
If you can, please attend the hearing in support. Here are the details:
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Firearms (JU)
When: Tuesday, August 23, 2016, at 11:00 am
Location: C600 in Michael A. Bilandic Building, 160 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL
We know that 90% of Illinois voters support responsible gun safety measures. We can win if we get the message out.
Thank you for your action today-