Call to Action – Call and Email TODAY!
Recently, the House of Representatives approved their version of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Act for 2016. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is one of the agencies funded by this bill. House members have added a number of dangerous “gun rider” amendments to their bill. Including: Terminating […]
straw pur·chase (noun) #STS
straw pur·chase (noun) a criminal act in which a person who is prohibited from buying firearms uses another person to buy a gun on their behalf. Is anyone paying attention? After recording the fewest murders in decades last year, violence in Chicago is soaring. We have seen a 40% increase in shootings and 29% more homicides […]
straw pur·chase (noun) – a criminal act in which a person who is prohibited from buying firearms uses another person to buy a gun on their behalf. Our violence problem is directly linked to the number of illegal guns available. It is time to hold accountable straw purchasers, retail stores and irresponsible gun owners who arm criminals […]
Stopping the Flow of Illegal Guns into our Communities
An important bill will be under consideration this legislative year that is critical to our mission. SB 1883 and HB 3422 propose the Gun Dealer and Ammunition Seller License that would require dealers to be licensed by the state, in addition to having a federal license. Gun dealers are the most important link between gun […]
8 vs. 534 – ACT NOW!
8 vs. 534 Call to Action: Fill Out a Witness Slip Supporting Gun Safety Standing up to the NRA and the legislators who do their bidding in Springfield The 99th General Assembly session has started and bills aimed at loosening our current gun safety measures are being filed at an alarming pace. We need to […]
G-PAC Announces Endorsements of Chicago Aldermanic Candidates
Calls Upon Voters to Take a Stand Against Gun Violence on Election Day FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 11, 2015 CHICAGO-The Gun Violence Prevention Political Action Committee (G-PAC) announced the organization’s endorsement of […]
Sun-Times Ed Board Calls on Bloomberg to Work with G-PAC, Help End Gun Violence in Illinois
Come to Chicago, Michael Bloomberg — in a big way — if you really want to fight gun violence in America. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Among American big cities, Chicago suffers one of the highest per capita rates of gun violence. And you, since stepping down as mayor […]
Taking Applications
G-PAC is currently accepting applications for communications internships. We are willing to work with your school to earn academic credit. Please send your resume to [email protected].
Big Victories for G-PAC in 2014
Overwhelming Success in First Election Cycle Voters Show Strong Support for Gun Safety November 17, 2014 In its first year in operation, five of the 6 endorsed candidates in the Illinois Senate and 21 of 26 candidates in the Illinois House claimed victory in the 2014 election cycle, forming G-PAC’s list of gun safety “Champions.” […]
A Vote for Pat Quinn is a Vote for Protecting our Children and Communities
Re-elect Governor Pat Quinn Governor Pat Quinn has a long and impressive record of support for common sense gun safety. He scored 100% on the G-PAC Candidate Questionnaire, and has signed historic lifesaving legislation into law, including requiring universal background checks and mandatory reporting of lost/stolen guns to prevent illegal trafficking. In addition, he has […]