A Vote For Deb Conroy is a Vote For Public Safety
Re-elect State Representative Deborah Conroy, 46th District Deb Conroy is a volunteer, mother, and community leader recently elected State Representative of the 46th District. As a mother of four boys, Conroy has been very active in her children’s schools. She worked hard to ensure accessible public education for all local students, forming the not-for-profit York […]
A Vote for Jenny Burke is a Vote for Public Safety
Elect Jenny Burke, Candidate for State Representative, 45th District Jenny Burke works hard at everything she does. She lives in Itasca with her husband, Patrick, and is a working moth of three wonderful kids, Sam (13), Julie (11) and Ben (8). She earned her Master’s degree and Law degree simultaneously from DePaul University – all the […]
A Vote for Michelle Mussman is a Vote for Public Safety
Re-elect State Representative Michelle Mussman, 56th District Just a few years ago, Michelle Mussman was a mom and PTA member who, like many residents of her community, was frustrated with state government’s debt and dysfunction. Having never run for or held public office before, Mussman didn’t set out to run a typical political campaign. Together […]
A Vote for Marty Moylan is a Vote for Public Safety
Re-elect State Representative Marty Moylan, 55th District Doing the right thing is nothing new for Marty Moylan. After his father passed away at a young age, Marty helped his mother raise his 12 younger siblings to help overcome the challenges of making ends meet. While learning the importance of hard work and responsibility, Marty also […]
350 Bullets; 30 Seconds
“In the time it takes to watch this ad, an assault weapon with a high capacity ammunition clip could have sprayed a room with 350 deadly bullets.” A new TV spot highlights the stark contrast between Bruce Rauner (R) and our endorsed candidate Gov. Pat Quinn (D) on gun issues. Bruce Rauner wants to legalize the sale […]
A few bad apples …
We commend the Brady Campaign for the launch of their National “Bad Apple” Initiative to crackdown on gun dealers that sell the majority of crime guns in the nation. They could not have picked a better place for their kickoff: Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois. For years, Chuck’s has been identified by law enforcement […]
Unmasking the Paper Tiger Presentation – October 19, 2015
Please join us for a reception supporting G-PAC Illinois featuring Mayor Rahm Emanuel! Please click on the invite to download a printable PDF. BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE Or, if you cannot attend but would like to contribute – you can do so here.
Bruce Rauner and Assault Weapons
A new video out by the Quinn Campaign highlights Bruce Rauners support for Assault Weapons. When would it make sense to use an assault weapon? Check out Rauner’s response here: #RealRauner
States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths
Washington, DC — States with weak gun violence prevention laws and higher rates of gun ownership have the highest overall gun death rates in the nation, according to a Violence Policy Center (VPC) analysis of new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Meanwhile, states with […]
Campaign to Unload
51 million Americans have 401k retirement plans and many are unknowingly invested in public gun companies. Are you one of them? Find out, and then learn how to get your money out. http://www.campaign2unload.org/