147 too many – our communities are in crisis
Communities across Illinois are in crisis. This past weekend at least 106 people were shot in Chicago, 13 of them fatally. The victims included a three-year-old child and a 13-year-old girl, Amaria Jones, who was shot as she danced a Tik Tok dance for her mother in her home. This tragedy marks the most people […]
A Convergence of Two Crises: a Virus and Gun Violence
We’ve seen the power of Illinois’s government in coming together swiftly to assemble resources and pass legislation to keep residents safe from a pandemic. Why is our epidemic of gun violence any different? Chicago’s Black communities have been ripped apart for decades by gun violence – with little action from our state legislature. The current […]
Illinois Takes the Lead in Gun Safety – Nominates All 18 Candidates
Illinois, you stepped it up in the primary election. To all of the voters who showed up to the polls in the midst of a national health crisis to nominate candidates who will keep illegal guns off of our streets – I applaud you. Together, you cast your votes and nominated each and every one […]
6 months and counting…
It has been 6 months since the workplace massacre in Aurora, Illinois and mass shootings and everyday urban gun violence continue to destroy our communities while we wait for our elected officials to do something. There is a solution. Senate Bill 1966, the FIX THE FOID Act, which passed out of the House of Representatives in May, would ensure […]
STATEMENT: ILLINOIS GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION ADVOCATES CALL ON SENATE AND GOVERNOR TO ACT NOW BEFORE MORE LIVES ARE LOST Arlington Heights, IL – Aurora, Illinois to Dayton, Ohio and how many in between? It has been 7 months since the workplace massacre in Aurora, and mass shootings and everyday urban gun violence continue to destroy […]
We have the power, but do we have the will?
Our country is reeling from mass shootings in El Paso, Dayton, Gilroy and Brooklyn over the past two weeks. This morning the President called for tightening up background checks. Our city suffered 51 shootings leaving 7 people dead over the weekend, including two mass shootings in one police district. A Chicago hospital stopped accepting patients […]
June 20 is National GVP Day of Action
June is Gun Violence Awareness Month, and today is a national day of action. During Gun Violence Awareness Month and since the General Assembly recessed, 26 people have been shot and killed and 177 people have been shot and wounded. Are you aware of these numbers? In May, the Illinois House passed SB 1966, the Fix the FOID Act. SB 1966 is […]
SB 1996, the Fix the FOID Act, seeks to ensure that people with violent criminal histories cannot purchase guns CHICAGO (May 8, 2019) — A new poll released today, finds that two-thirds of Illinois voters support legislation that addresses loopholes in the state’s existing gun licensing system that were brought to light following the tragic […]
SB 337 Signed Into Law!
Sixteen years ago, a new state senator was sworn into office, and he made it a priority to keep our children, families and communities safe from gun violence. That year, he filed a bill to license Illinois gun dealers in order to hold corrupt dealers accountable and curb the flow of illegal guns into our […]
This is where we are in America today. Let’s Change it.
Did you catch the 60 Minutes segment last night on what makes the semi-automatic AR-15 the weapon of choice for mass shooters? AR-15 ammunition travels up to three times the speed of sound. “The bones aren’t going to just break, they’re going to shatter. Organs aren’t just going to tear or have bruises on them, they … are going […]